Thursday, March 27, 2014

Can she control her fate...

Fall from Grace 

by Christine Zolendz
published july 22nd 2012 by DarkRoadDesigns 

Fall from Grace is the first book in the series Mad world. 

This book has my heart, a little disappointed in the writing it had a lot of errors, but when you get into the story, you just find it funny as hell and you really doesn't notice them... 

I was literally glued to the book, I started reading it very late at night, on a school night, and couldn't put it down. I woke up with the book in my head lying in the book hours before school and started reading again, so not much sleep for me. after school I read the last of the book, and my heart was melting for both Grace and Shane...

Does love get second chances? 

I hope with all my heart that they get each other!!!
*fingers crossed*

The book have a beautiful paranormal twist, that you only can love.
It toke me awhile to figure out where and how there were a Twist but when I did, I'm pretty certain I looked liked this 

This story is about two soulmates there are forced away from each other....

This book...

In this story you get to know Grace's POV... We get get in her head, learn how she is a lost soul, who she really is, who she is looking for and why...
After her brothers death, she return home to her best friend Lea, who is the last person alive to know her secret... 
Grace meets Shane. The lead singer in the band Mad world, he is just perfect, expect for all his one nights stands and the bands groupies there will spread there legs for him, for only his smile....
But not even Shane will stop Grace... The only thing she do want, is to find her lost soulmate... 
The one she has been looking for for centuries...

You would think that Grace were smart, because she have been on earth for centuries... But NO. She really lacking in that department... BUT...
She has a great personality, she is awesome... I love how she treats the boys, especially how she was on the Sushi date with Tucker that was a highlight, I was laughing the hole way through....

But there were one thing that really bothers me, she is looking for "The one" and she is willing to give a slime ball like Tucker a chance to be "The one" and one that almost killed her... But what about the boy that gave you his heart the moment he saw you...?

I have no words for Shane... I love him...
Yeah... he has his flaws, he have made mistakes but who hasn't...
Grace holds his heart in her hands and she won't see it...

I love rock stars, especially the lead singers, so Shane is just my man... And he wants Grace, but she will only be friends with him, and he tries because he just wants to be close to her. 

But I just don't know she can keep walking away from him, he won me over right away and i bet my legs would be like butter if I were in Grace shoes... ;)

 He is just swoon worthy 

And don't get me talking about all the sexual tension!!! 

Some of my favorite quotes 

"I glared at Shane, who gave me an innocent look. With the most serious expression I could make, I joked, “Some of my close friends have called me Black Widow, because after I sleep with someone, I kill them.”Shane looked at me evenly, matching my serious expression, “I have no doubt in my mind that you have had that effect on men, since I feel like I’ve died every time you’ve smiled at me." 

"He looks like someone who has a land mine in his pants." "Huh?" She gave me a really confused look. "You know a land mine; small, hidden, and explodes on contact." 

"Please, Grace, whatever it is you're going after, please try to find it here with me. I will try my best to be the man that you need me to be."

All in all

"Shut up and go to sleep, Grace." 

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